As the saying goes: “If you can’t hang with the big dogs, stay on the porch!!” Well, what if you’re a little boy named Chad and the “big dog” is more fierce than big? Or this dog gets to decide whether you ride the bus to school every morning…or not or if he wants you’re lunch for his breakfast.
From the students of Kimberley Park Elementary School comes a tale in which Man’s best friend becomes a boy’s worst nightmare!
La Scène Media Group, MechKW Design and the Kimberley Park Movie Squad in association with Communities In Schools of Forsyth County present “Chihuahua Rampage” with optional Story Notes plus English and French subtitles available!
Written and produced by the Kimberley Park Movie Squad as part of the Junior Filmmakers Initiative program.
Executive Producers – Howard Venable, Thomas Scott, Jr. and Ken Watts; Casting – CherVeli Media; Directors of Photography – James E. Cheek and Jay White; Story by Heiysion Simmons and Derrick Parker; Screenplay by the Kimberley Park Movie Squad; Directed by Thomas Scott, Jr.
Cast (In Order of Appearance): Tre’Shaun Withers – Chad, Voice of Chad’s Mon – Flo Scott, Chico – Rico, Ms. LaQuida Frasier – Jackie Sanders, Mr. Smith – Mark Ford, Chris – Jamerie Garner, Old Man Charles – LLOXX